Monday, April 25, 2005

My rant

Ok, so this is my space to rant right? and boy do I have plenty to rant about at the moment. Readers beware, I've had a lot of confrontation/frustrations this weekend with group projects, relay for life, mass, and Sonic tonight....
1) GROUP PROJECTS SUCK. Who assigns a group paper/presentation?? THAT IS 30% of your FINAL grade?? my NUR 872 (Research methods) teacher thats who. but the best part? she completely changed the assigment the week before it was due. grrr. ok so we figure the paper writers do the paper and the artsy/comp savvy people do the presentation. check that'll work. oooorrr maybe not. 2 weeks later... well actually the butt-buddies should work together, which tosses up our groups (and since there's only four of us that means we have two missmatched combos but whatever...) and then we get a 5th member, last minute. no biggie, add her on to the paper group as that seems to be the one that's gonna need the help. Anybody can make a poster right? ok... maybe not... that DARN poster took us FOREVER, AND the paper SUCKED. ok maybe sucked is a little much but I didn't know how to fix it, sooooo after stewing about it.... and being told we could change/fix whatever we wanted, I decided I couldn't fix it and called them back and told them to fix it. (politely and fairly tactfully I thought given my thoughts on the paper). I gave them my suggestions and told them I didn't feel comfortable fixing it since I didn't write it and I don't know what they were thinking or trying to convey in several parts. And guess what? They did :) yay. so Leann and I re-read it, added the abstract and a blip about a study we'd dug up for the poster and yay we're done. I just hope they are mad cuz I know they worked hard on it, and I felt kinda bad being like fix it - it's crap... but I didn't say that! so hopefully they are ok. but yay for putting my foot down and not bein walked on cuz if I hadn't sent it back, it would have been a bitch to try and overhaul... much more of an ordeal for me than them since they wrote it.... hate group work.

2) Relay for Life was Friday night. Stayed all night. It was cold and stormy(early) and there were 4!!! count them 4!!! TBSers after 9:00. The other 3 there before that chickened out because of the ugly 10minute storm and one had work in the morning (that one I can understand) Then we had 3 after 12:30, another dropped. that's sad since about half of my sorority did not at the time of the relay, and will not by next week, have all thier service points. We called people to find out where they were... "oh I'm at home, blah, blah ." Everyone of us there had a buddy, Jody+Tim, Mackenzie and her bf, Alycia and her cousin, and I had Cynda... Cynda stayed all night. SHE HAS ARTHRITIS!... ummm cold wet weather is perfect for that condition for those of you who didn't know.... but it's ok. We are a service sorority, but since there is currently no consequence (as was made PERFECTLY CLEAR by our parliamentarian before the event so no one would feel bad and go after a desperate letter sent by our service chair pleading participation wrongly cited that dear sister letters go out if you don't fulfill your service pts) for not fulfilling your service points requirement, why bother doing your service if it's not convenient or comfortable? It is only suggested that you fill these requirements anyways. WOW.
Other than that it was a good time.... Cynda prolly stayed for spite cuz someone else we knew was there :P but still, and we met some fun guys to hang out with, so I ended up having a lovely time, just dissapointed in my sisters :(.

3) Went to mass for the first time since Lance moved to Nashville. Wasn't feeling up to tackling my first mass by myself (like not because he was working by myself, because he was REALLY GONE NOW by myself, which was a little much for me the same day he left) 2 weeks ago, and was actually horridly sick with a cold and pink-eye last sunday. So I talk myself into going, and since it was 8:30 mass didn't get dressed up for it. Ok so picture me. No makeup, glasses on, hair in a loose ponytail, jeans, brown clogs, cream/brown oldnavy fleece over my KELLY GREEN Senior's 02 long-sleeve Tshirt, and leather jacket. Sat by Aaron Carrico, FRONT AND CENTER because he is serving and then after mass as I'm going through the pizza line (they have pizza after the 8:30 mass for all the students yum) I notice a couple of people I graduated with. no big deal I'll wave and smile when I get a chance. I go over to Kevin to tell him that Lance is officially gone and should be taken off of the lector list (he was listed to lector tonight :-o!) and as I'm talking to him, Jordon Jones comes up to me (one of the guys I graduated with) and is like "Sarah? is that you?" I'm like yeah... and he goes "wow, I almost didn't recognize you, you look really different" I'm thinking OMG!! what a nice way to tell me I look like shit. but I politely go "haha, I look like crap :P... I mean I guess I have glasses now and my hair's a lil' longer..." I dunno, I don't really think I look all that different but whatever.. so he proceeds to tell me that he had been talking to Chase (swoon) and they couldn't decide if it was me, so they Jordon got sent to see, and he was just gonna make a sheepish run for it if it wasn't. wow. so then here comes Chase "Sarah! Haven't see you in forever how you been?" and suddenly we are hugging.
TIME OUT!! In high school, this was our class cute... I mean whoa. he was it. we all thought he was such a hottie, and then there was a bit the first couple of years of college that we were over it. he was at UK and not, and back, and gone, and now he's back again. and while he hasn't much changed from HS... he's definately still QUITE attractive.
ok so back to the story, while I'm FREAKING OUT inside, I'm polite and almost shy (gasp, doesn't happen much from me anymore) and they point out that Vince (another guy I graduated with) and Jimmy Higdon (a guy Lance graduated with, but I know him, and I graduated w/ his brothers- they were twins) are over in the corner, and they came with them, so over we go to chat a bit and same-o same-o... wow how've you been, good to see you, what are you up to ect ect.... and then it's time to go. and I never even got a chance to be like hey, call us up sometime and we'll (cynda and I) hang out with you... but we did get in the good to see ect part. oh well... maybe 8:30 mass is my new mass... it was nice to see some people I knew.... dressing up a lil next time though, it sucks to see people you haven't seen in years when you are pretty much looking your crappiest. even if I'd had my hair down I might have felt presentable. oh well at least I'm almost over my cold.

4) Sonic. So I get home, tell cynda what happened and we decide I want ice-cream and she's hungry. so we go to Sonic cuz DQ is closed already. She orders chicken poppers, onion rings, Dr pepper and Honey mustard and I order a Sunrise Smoothie. Out comes our food and I have this TINY little cherry-limade looking drink. I'm like is that a smoothie? (b/c there is clearly ice-cubes in this drink) and the waitress is like "no, a Sunrise is a drink." "ok" I say, confused and give her cynda's debit card so she can go put the money in. Cynda and I look and sure enough... you can get a Sunrise Drink, or a SunSHINE smoothie. fine. when she comes back out I ask her if she can check and make sure I wasn't charged for a smoothie since I didn't get one, and it's more expensive. No she says you were not, you ordered a sunrise drink and that's what you got. ok. but I ordered a SMOOTHIE, so next time you should probably clarify the order with the customer because even though I said sunrise, I also said smoothie. "but you said sunrise so that's what you got, I took your order and you said sunrise so I hit the sunrise button"
"But I said Sunrise SMOOTHIE, so you should have clarified, as I would assume that it would have been clear that I wanted a smoothie."
"Well you said sunrise, so that's the drink you ordered. A sunrise drink has orange juice and sprite.."
"But I said SMOOTHIE..."
and so we went in circles untill I was like fine. that's it, and we left. Stupid waitress. Never even apologized or asked how she could fix it, just insisted that she was right and I got what I wanted, even though this was obviously not the case.
So we get home and cynda's like she didn't even give me honey mustard sauce... glad I didn't give her a tip. I'm like that's it, we're going back over there. "I don't wanna go back over, just call them if you're that worried about it" she says, so I do. I'm still seething at the way she treated me, and after specifically asking in the order and not waiting to be prompted for the sauce it should have been in there. so I call and aske to speak to a manager, explain what happened and suggest that she have her order-taker clarify her orders better. The manager apologized and offered me a free smoothie, said she could write my name down and if/when I come back to tell them I talked to Jessica, my name is Sarah Danhauer and I would get a Free SunShine SMOOTHIE. Hmph take that, stubborn little server girl. I know she had to have known it was me, she would have been the one to answer the phone and get me asking for the manager, and then heard all that about the Sunshine smoothie... :) I feel better, but I hang up the phone and am pretty much crying I am just so frustrated and frazzled. ALL I WANTED WAS A DAMN SMOOTHIE!! I have been wanting to go to DQ and try their Raspberry cheesquake thing for like ever, and I was gonna tonight, (and last night, and the night before) but it didn't happen, but it was ok, b/c we were gonna go to sonic, and I could get something fun there, and I was excited about this endeavor, and I DIDN'T GET WHAT I WANTED. I know that sounds bad, but it's not like they were out of it, or I asked for some sort of exotic desert. I ordered something off the menu and that's there job, I pay them to give me what I order (read WANT) soo that was needless to say dissapointing, but I'm proud of myself for standing up for me and being like hey, that's not right... the customer's always right :)

Sooooo I generally consider myself an assertive person, I am definately not a confrontational person, but as you can see I've had my share of confrontation/surprises this weekend. I'm fried. and I'm going to bed now. 1 1/2 weeks and I'm done with my junior year of college. it's been great, but I CAN'T WAIT! Summer fun and the water and my family and my comfort zone. I've been thrown out of my comfort zone a lil' lately, and the threat of being chucked farther out of it staying up here this summer definately has put me out of my zone in it's self, as weird as that is... and so it will be nice to be home... I hope....
I apologize to anyone who has actually taken the time to read my book tonight... but I feel better :)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Yay for feeling human again!

Yay! so I woke up this morning, and I had slept well, and my cold is MUCH better :) I rather enjoy feeling human, and am definately up to doing stuff today... which works nicely since I have no clinical today and therefore nothing to do now that my 8:00 class is over. I've been home just over an hour and have already read my email, updated my webpage, read the news, and now writing in the blog. not sure what's next, but it's a lovely day (so far... but I think it's supposed to rain later) and one of those "I feel like I want to be productive today" type days. soooo this could get interesting... maybe some spring cleaning?? (after Cynda gets up...) I suppose we'll see.... I think we might go to a concert at Memorial Hall tonight... some guy Cynda saw a poster for, but he sounds really cool... sorry, can't remember his name at the moment :P but it's at 7:00ish :) ok... on to something else maybe halfway productive... breakfast?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Spring Fever.. errr cold

Soooo as spring fever sets in... so does a NASTY cold that's been going around. GROSS.. You wouldn't be able to tell it was spring lookin at me and half of everyone I know. Personally I have aquired a RIPROARING cold... like stuffy nose, fun colors of snot, SOOOOORRREEEE throat, and above all PINKEYE! I HAVE NEVER HAD PINK EYE. Who gets conjunctivitis for the first time in college??? apparently me. boo. really though, it hasn't been so bad, my eye was all pink and pussy and gross Sunday, and then odlly cleared up pretty nicely (meaning I look pretty normal at least) monday. Went to the clinic and the Nurse Practitioner gave me some ABX eye drops, and a rx for a z-pack in case my cold develops into a sinus infx. yuck. the good news? No strep throat (As of yesterday) and no sinus infection yet either... which is exciting cuz I thought sure I had one... I mean I had the green snot and everything. Anyways... the mornings are the worst right? Like I slept HORRIBLE last night cuz my throat was excrutiating... I practically drank my bottle of Chloreseptic, and finally got up at like 0800 (which I never do this semester) because I couldn't take it anymore. I took 2 Advil liquigels, a sudafed, an eye drop, downed some chloreseptic, gargled some salt water and and have since had 3 mugs of hot tea w/honey and gone through what seems like an entire box of kleenex. The good news today? I can swallow now with relatively little pain, and am feeling more human as the morning wears on. We are not doing patient care today in clinical (it's our last one so we are doing review stuff for the final :) ) soooo at least I picked a good clinical to be sick for cuz I can go to this one sorta sick and not worry about getting all kinds of immunocompromised kiddos sick.
In other news... Formal was a blast! Lance came up early (late thurs night instead of late fri evening) and surprised me, so we got to hang out all friday and we both had a really good time at the dance, and it seemed like everyone did :) I went to Keenland (CROWDED!!) and then Louisville Sat, and ended up staying the night. Sunday was my grandpa's birthday... so we all ate dinner at Kingfish on the river sat night, and then went back on the farm and he showed us all kinds of fun stuff like where the old mill and the Rock springs hotel was before they burned, and lots of fun sink holes and airshafts for the rock mines back there. It was a good time and a beautiful day for it. I was a sight to see too... in one of billy's t-shirts, and a pair of his socks that were 3sizes too big, and a pair of grandma's boots, 1 size too big :P since I hadn't packed/planned to stay the night when I rushed out the door last minute to get to dinner saturday night (at 5 I was told they were eating in LOUISVILLE (I was still in Lexington) at 6 or 6:30.. eep!) all I had was the pair of white flip-flops (not so good for hiking) jeans (yay one thing I could wear of my own) and a tank top and the pink cashmere sweater lance's mom got me for christmas (also not so good to romp around in the woods in) Sooo I had a really good time... aside from the cold continuing to get worse as the evening went on... but mommy got me some drugs to tide me to yesterday when I could get to the clinic. so now I'm just chuggin along... :P trying to figure out when can work in the next week and whether I can go polar bear skiing this weekend :) yay jetskis if I can't get in the water :D.
anyways.... I should prolly go be productive... being up at 8 does you no good if you do NOTHING until 11 anyways....:P
later gators.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Well shit.

ok. so I was wrong. Strike the 873 test from the count down, cuz apparently I counted wrong. I only have 3 tests in there, which actually kinda sucks. I mean the more I think about it the more it makes sense, there's like 2 weeks of classes, why would they have a test in that time period? But we've always had like 4-5 tests and then a final so this is really odd, and actually kinda sucks cuz I didn't realize that and was looking forward to that helping boost my grade some. I mean I guess I'd rather have the paper as the 4th test grade if you look at it that way cuz I'm a better paper writer than test taker usually, but still. I guess what's mostly disheartening is I was hoping for an A in this class. I really enjoy the content and feel like I have good handle on it, but go figure, that doesn't seem to matter, it's still those tricky ass mean ol' nursing questions that get me EVERY time on the tests, whether I know and like the content or not. grrr. so yeah, looks like I can work my ass off, and pray for a 100% on everything (paper, HESI, Clinical stuff (which I already know is high but not 100) and have barely an A, or slack like there's no tomorrow and have a B. THAT SUCKS! How is it that no matter how excited and optimistic you get about it being the end of the year and spring and almost summer break ect ect, it never fails there is something to ruin it for you when you get to number crunchin. My luck sucks. I did this last year too, I coulda got a 100 on my pathopharm and had a high B, or like a 70something and get a C. So I studied, but as an A wasn't an option I didn't freak out about it.... and GUESS WHO STILL GOT THAT DAMN C. go figure. anyone else and their dog would have guessed the one question that made the difference right, but not me, when it matters, I always get it wrong. grr. Moral of the story? If you want an answer from me and it matters, don't bother, or assume mine is wrong.
Hmph. I'm going back to this stupid paper that I've been working on too long and am getting entirely too grumpy with. Can't wait to turn it in, have it ripped up and just get on with it, and getover having my hopes dashed again. A B's not so bad right? blah. I guess it's my fault for reaching so high. s'what I get, I really oughta know better by now I mean I've already done this several times. Oh well... I guess there's always next year....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Catchin up

Sooo it's been a busy month :P to say the least. Washington DC and Spring Break were wonderful, I've passed round three of nursing tests, Lance is now officially residing in Nashvegas, and now my countdown is as follows for the next 3 weeks:
1 more week of clinicals (1 day of each)
1 NUR 873 research paper (due tomorrow but I have horrible writers block at the moment)
1 NUR 872 research paper (due dead week - haven't really started... it's a group project.. it'll be ok?? right?? :/)
1 NUR 873 exam
1 HESI Exam (NCLEX Practice test)
3 Finals.

blah. I don't know if I'm gonna make it. I've Sooooo got spring fever. Really, all I want to do is go home and play on the jetskis all day everyday. and I haven't been out on them once yet. either way it looks like I am going home for one last summer. yay :). I will possibly be working at the Carmel Home (the nicest nursing home in the 'boro) and chillin out. If I stay in Lextown I really think it'd get lonely.... Lance is in Nashville now, Cynda's going home, Jenny will not be living with me this summer, so I'd be livin by myself, and while there are other people that would be here (yay Katie G, Jenny, and Jen to name a few) I still just know I'd find myself sitting at home a lot being counterproductive and counting the days until I go home to visit and play on the water. I'm such a water baby. I love my family too, and yeah, it's Billy's last summer before college (he's getting all grown up!!) and I dunno. I just can't decide, cuz either way everyone's gonna be workin and I'll prolly do a lot of sitting around cuz I can't find someone to play with. :(.

So that's what's up.