A new resolution
I would like to update this thing more often. We'll see how it goes. Katie Beth is now 5 months old. WOW! I can't believe it. I've been back to work for a little over a month, and we're already on our second nanny. The first's part-time job went to full time, so two weeks later, we had a new nanny! Both have been spectacular with Katie Beth, she just loves them which is a large comfort to me. I am still nursing, and pumping at work, and Katie Beth is growing like a champ!
February 9th we had her Baptized and had a right nice little gathering. Very intimate and special. Her grandparents, and even great grandparents were there, and aunts and uncles (being Jenny, Billy and Jacob) as well. She was just adorable the whole time - simply mesmerized by Fr. Eric. We all could not believe how attentive and pleasant she was as he spoke. And she does it every Sunday too - I swear we might have a Sister Catherine Elizabeth in the making! :lol.
I also bought her a baby book last week, and a pink scrapbook and spent some time on them today. I am so excited to have the room to spread out and do it! So far she has lots of cards from her baby shower, congrats cards from her birthday, and baptismal congrats cards all cutely arranged in it, as well as her baptismal certificate and such. I think tomorrow's project will be to send some pics to wallgreens so I can add them in as well.
Lance is in Texas for an event until Saturday, so I feel like I have the world to myself and time is very fluid at the moment. I miss him, and it's odd to be just me and the girls, but it's a nice break to the routine as well, I have to admit. Especially since KB is in a very pleasant baby stage at the moment. She's just so happy unless she's hungry, wet or tired.... and who can blame her for fussing because of that? The dog on the other hand.... Seriously. I feel like a have a toddler AND a baby. She has been into EVERYTHING today - the thing about her vs a toddler though? When she gets SERIOUSLY annoying, I can go put her on the tye-out, down in the basement, or out on the deck for a breather. I feel bad banishing her, and really try not to, but sometimes you just need a break from the constant, never-ending - "no, quit liking the baby's face, no give me that $20 bill back so I can tape it back together and hope it still works, NO quit pulling toilet paper off the roll and strewing it around the house...." I wonder how I will handle it when Katie Beth gets to that age....Seems like tying her up outside will not be an option.... ;P
Hmmmm.... it's 10:30, and the baby's been asleep since 8pm, and the dog corralled in our room since 8:30 (I told you, she's been seriously annoying tonight...) I suppose I should take a shower before she wakes up to eat, and then get in bed myself. I'm just so happy to be home after working the last 4 out of 5 days, it's so nice to just go to bed whenever and not have to be up at 0500 for work...
Oh yeah! We bought a new house in December too! It's so fun!! :) We have SOOOO much more room now, and it's sooo nice to have a place to call our own :) :)
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