Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sisterhood Retreat

Wow. I had a good time. I really wish more people had gone... though we did have 20 people there (out of 32... not bad!) But the girls that did go really made it special. We hung out, played games, sang songs, cooked, watched the UK game, colored, played outside, went and saw the moonbow at Cumberland Falls (SOOO COOOL!!) and had an all around pleasant weekend. Yeah there were definately bumps, but we also got a lot of stuff out there this weekend, and everyone seems regenerized and ready put all we got back into the sorority that we all do, or have once, loved so dearly, and more importantly, the girls (and boys) that make our group what we are. Yay! Maybe it will all be ok....

Monday, February 07, 2005

Trip Home

So... I decided to go home this weekend right? Fun stuff, got to see my puppy, spent hours washing/vacuuming/cleaning my car, made curtains and matching pillows for my living room, ate lunch with daddy one day, hung out with the fam, watched the superbowl... had an all around good time. Decided I'd just come back this morning since yesterday I was busy with the curtains and the game and such and I don't have class till 11:30. No biggie, get up this mornin (0630), and it's rainin. booo. load up all my stuff, and I'm on the road. An hour along it stops raining and gets sunny (yay!) so I'm cruising along and I'm makin good time, listenin to the radio, gonna be in lex in time and not be late to class, and ummmm... why is my battery light on? And my check engine light? and my engine heat all the way on HOT??? EEP! So I call my mom and pull over and sure enough, there's steam coming from my hood. Good News: I'm not on fire. Bad News: I'm not goin ANYWHERE in this car. Soooooo I'm a lil' frazzled by this point. Not gonna make it to class, noone is answering their phone, and I'm stranded. :( yuck. weeeeellll to make a long story short... Jenny saved the day, called me back and came and got me, and Vernon continued the saving the day trend by coming to lex getting the car towed and taken care of and heading home again (that's a lot of driving!!) and I made it to class, an hour late (it's a 2 1/2 hour class) and very frazzled. So what have I done since I got out of class and meeting at 5? DESTRESSED and WINDED DOWN!!! I am now sitting at my computer with a glass of wine, which is where I've been for probably the last hour, and before that I hung up my new curtains. I'm thinking now I'm gonna put sheets on my bed, put my clean clothes away, and ponder on doing some homework. really, all I want to do is lay down.... it's been a long day since 10:30.... and that wasn't even four hours into my day, and I still have TBS at 9 ...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Soooo it's been an interesting night. First Lance and I planned to go on our wine flight tonight... YAY... SUPER excited about this endeavor. It was one of his presents to me on my birthday, and we STILL haven't done it, and so we decided last week were gonna go. Ok... well, he works Thurs, Fri, Sat, Tues, I can't go on Wed cuz I got class early thurs morning, and Sunday they are closed, what better night than Monday? I'm walking home yesterday afternoon and it dawns on me. What do I have have at 8:45 tomorrow?? Tau Beta Sigma. Had COMPLETELY forgotten. Lovely, that puts a damper on our plans. Ok well, I can just go anyways and miss the meeting, we are allowed a couple of misses anyways... then guess what else clicks. Valentines day is in two weeks..... on a MONDAY. BOO! Cuz I know there's gonna be no gettin outta that either... and I can't miss both meetings. YUCK! I think it's silly. It wouldn't be so bad if we could have meeting at a normal time like most civilized sororities... (you know... 5:00 or so over by 6/7 depending on the dinner situation and we're out at a decent hour..) but no. We have to have our meetings as late as possible (Heaven forbid EVERY member not be there) so yeah, then on top of that we end up in discussions on policy.... yuck... we are repeating last year step for step so far... and go figure the same people that threw a fit about it last year are the ones that suddenly want the same stuff changed... isn't that interesting.... I can't decide whether to scream or laugh. At the moment... I'm thinkin the best plan is just to distance a little.. because the longer I sit and stew, the more I realize it is a waste of time and energy. I really outta sit back and enjoy this semester for what it is ( a whole lot more lax than the past 2) and maybe try out the college life a little.. you know, slack more, care less, enjoy myself a little instead of perpetually FREAKING OUT about everything. So as whatever his name says in Mulan (we watched it the other day :P) "Chant with me... Yo me tofu salami" (ok so it's close enough) See I feel better anyways....