Saturday, November 20, 2004

What Makes Me Happy

So. This is a blog dedicated to what makes me happy today so far. :)
-waffles for breakfast with Jeff and Cynda.
-Extra Hotmail storage (yay! from 2MB to 250MB)
-Mary Kay's Satin Hands
-A clean room/apt (except we still need to vacuum :P)
-an INSANELY updated website
-A roomie that I still get along with beautifully after almost 3yrs of living together, and 7ish years of knowing each other/being good buddies (yay for the roomie!)
-A boyfriend that still cares and loves me with all my quirks after all this time and all we've put each other through.
-BASKETBALL SEASON!!! and the first season game today :)
-Thanksgiving in less than a week (I am so homesick you can not even imagine)
-Christmas break in like 3 weeks
-Brown County in 2 weeks (yay! I got out of the Christmas parade to go!)
-An absolutely wonderful REAL sister who hangs out with me asleep on the couch and makes cookies with me...just cuz :)
-A lovely group of new TBS sisters to get to know, and an equally if not more so group of ol' girls that have stuck it out with us and still work as hard as ever to make OUR organization better :)
-A job that pays pretty darn good that I only have to work 2 days a month to keep
-the wonderful smells and feels of fall and the holidays.
-puppies and kittens (even though I have neither) I got to meet he CON kitten yesterday and he's ADORABLE!
-adequate sleep.
-hot tea.
-long hot showers
-food in the fridge
-a lovely home away from home

So yeah. point is, I'm in a lovely mood, and I'm thinkin this thurs I won't have much trouble findin things I am thankful for, and happy to have, no matter how big or small. How about you?

Thursday, November 04, 2004


oh yeah... meant to say Yay George W. Bush! We watched the whole thing seemed like tuesday, but I went to bed at like 12:30... still anxious to see about Ohio. I have to say though, I have a new found respect for Kerry for conceding and not putting us through the kind of turmoil we went through last year. I mean granted he didn't really have a leg to stand on (without the electoral vote or the majority vote) but still, I think this nation really didn't need to try to handle that kinda controversy and with out it I think it will be easier to all stand behind W. YAY! ok. really. I'm gonna go be productive or something now.
love you all :*


So I suppose this is a lil' late but I've been busy this week (what else is new) :P. So we went to Chilis and it was a blast :) there was like 10-12 of us there and I had a Strawberry Margarita (bought by Katie McB.. who got the free one that came with it.... verses me got the free one and then she couldn't say she bought me a drink lol) and then an Electric Lemondade (from Katie G) both were yummy. So as the EL arrived, so did the Blowjob Lance ordered, it was yummy, but I had issues with that, as the idea is to drink it without your hands and it was in a BIG shot glass, making swallowing very difficult. Everyone thought this was very amusing, except me about to choke :P. Oh well it was fun, so yeah then a tequila shot (Katie has never had one!) and we're off. I think we corrupted Katie throughout the night, but that's ok. so yeah, a quick tour of lexington's downtown bar scene while we wait for Miami Steve to present himself at his doorpost at McCarthy's (we knew he'd let Cynda in with us) and then we're in McCarthys. The first drink's on McCarthy's... nice, I can see going here first for a little bit was a good idea NOT... How do you tell the MANAGER no I think I'll be ok, don't need more to drink (more of an issue later). Either way it WAS A BLAST! and we ended up staying put... soo maybe we'll bar hop with the actual hopping next time, but in the mean time I enjoyed myself and so did the rest of my company... SOOO GLAD everyone came, and that includes everyone all night :) wheee! very enjoyable, and ya know what? I REMEMBER most of it 0:). Took all of Friday to recover, but hey, it happens.
So yeah ummm what else. Managed a decent grade on my test monday whoohoo, registered today... carryin a whopping 12 hours. should be a good time, but my schedule is whacked out, no two days will be the same routine. I have 2 classes that only meet one day a week. very interesting, but 2 of the 3 look like they will be pretty easy so yay for finally calming down a lil' especially after these last few semesters.
Yesterday was the first basketball game. It was exciting, but geez I can't wait to see these guys really play... and I mean REALLY PLAY. It just seemed like they were just goofing around the whole game, everyone now and then they'd seem to get bored and just take the ball away (effortlessly it seemed), or just go for the goal right away, but most of the time it just sorta looked like a friendly game that didn't take much effort to just stay right ahead of the NKU guys.... with the exception of the NKU guy that seemed to hit EVERY 3pointer that he shot. But that's ok, we won, and you can just tell these boys are gonna be something when they get a challenge and a chance to really show their stuff. YAY BASKETBALL!! only a coupla more football games... can't wait till it's over and the real UK sport gets into full swing.... btw I made 100% band yay! I'll be at all the home games this year :)

ok so that's it. got a women's game in a bit (yay $20 SERVICE AWARD ;) )
so I'm gonna scoot,