Saturday, November 20, 2004

What Makes Me Happy

So. This is a blog dedicated to what makes me happy today so far. :)
-waffles for breakfast with Jeff and Cynda.
-Extra Hotmail storage (yay! from 2MB to 250MB)
-Mary Kay's Satin Hands
-A clean room/apt (except we still need to vacuum :P)
-an INSANELY updated website
-A roomie that I still get along with beautifully after almost 3yrs of living together, and 7ish years of knowing each other/being good buddies (yay for the roomie!)
-A boyfriend that still cares and loves me with all my quirks after all this time and all we've put each other through.
-BASKETBALL SEASON!!! and the first season game today :)
-Thanksgiving in less than a week (I am so homesick you can not even imagine)
-Christmas break in like 3 weeks
-Brown County in 2 weeks (yay! I got out of the Christmas parade to go!)
-An absolutely wonderful REAL sister who hangs out with me asleep on the couch and makes cookies with me...just cuz :)
-A lovely group of new TBS sisters to get to know, and an equally if not more so group of ol' girls that have stuck it out with us and still work as hard as ever to make OUR organization better :)
-A job that pays pretty darn good that I only have to work 2 days a month to keep
-the wonderful smells and feels of fall and the holidays.
-puppies and kittens (even though I have neither) I got to meet he CON kitten yesterday and he's ADORABLE!
-adequate sleep.
-hot tea.
-long hot showers
-food in the fridge
-a lovely home away from home

So yeah. point is, I'm in a lovely mood, and I'm thinkin this thurs I won't have much trouble findin things I am thankful for, and happy to have, no matter how big or small. How about you?


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