Friday, October 08, 2004

Ari Dissapointment

I'm SOOOOOO CLOSE!!! But not close enough :(. TBS/KKY joint ritual was tonight and it was lovely. We had cake and TBS punch yum, as well as a lovely ritual, but I can't tell you about it it's a SECRET :P. Then I went down to the dame, hopin that two weeks shy of 21 wouldn't be noticed. Boo. The guy was a prick, didn't let me in and wasn't nice about it. :( ok well anyways. HAPPY NOTE! I am a happy person. I haven't let lots of people see that lately, so I'm going to work on that.... yay. ok. well I've got an early call time tomorrow soooo.... I'll catch ya laters.
mwaaaaa g'night


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