Thursday, October 28, 2004

Birthday Girl

Whoohoo! The long awaited day is here :) And I'm sooooo excited. Last night Cynda, Lance, and Jenny came in my room and sang and such at midnight. It was a blast, we opened a bottle of (cheap ;)) champagne, and Cynda made a frozen drink with Banana and honey and lime and vodka. It was yummy! So at the end of our little mini celebration I headed to bed, and awoke to lots of fun decorations and doughnuts! Cynda had decorated our apt with streamers and balloons and such after I went to bed. I had a Veggie tales card on top of the doughnuts and everything. Yummy, what a way to start out and early morning. Yay! So the little lady I had in clinical today was lovely friendly, and so far the day is going splendidly :)
up next for the rest of the day... Practice a lil', Sisterhood committee meeting, start gettin' ready for tonight, pep band audition, and then headin out to Chili's with whoever cares to join us at 7ish for dinner and festivities :) and maybe a nap somewhere in there...? :) lala happy birthday to me!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Charley423 (9:56:52 PM): guess what guess waht!!
Twynkie02 (9:56:58 PM): ???what what???
Charley423 (9:56:59 PM): in two hours it will be your b-day!!
Twynkie02 (9:57:08 PM): wait
Twynkie02 (9:57:09 PM): stop
Twynkie02 (9:57:14 PM): re-calculate and try again
Charley423 (9:57:38 PM): in one day and two hours it will be your birthday!!
So.... My Birthday is definately just over a day away.... and I am SUPER excited. Some very special people are coming from out of town, and some very special people are coming from in town, and I just CAN'T wait to see them. Yes I will be drinking... but I am hoping to be so drunk and happy from the company alone that this should prove a very interesting and entertaining time. YAY fun times! I don't know what I'm gonna do come Friday. I've been so excited, looking forward to it all has been pretty much what's gotten me through, workin hard and not going insane the last coupla weeks. I'm gonna have to find something else to look forward to and be excited about. I'm sure I'll find something, but I dunno, it'll be tough. Anyways back to thinking about how terribly excited I am to be able to just plain enjoy myself. I'm gonna let it be my day. When pep band auditions are over, there will be no homework the rest of the day, and no thoughts of it, nuthin. period. Yay fun times. I can't wait. You should come. :) Ok. back to careplan the I'm NOT doing thurs cuz I'm doing NOW.

Friday, October 22, 2004


So. I went to the College Republicans vs Democrats debate tonight, only thing is all it did was get me all fired up, and thinking, prolly too much. But then, maybe I don't think enough, but the thing is, it didn't only get me thinking about politics... I've gotten kinda cozy with my life, stuff just sorta happens, and it feels like I don't really do much about it. I'm fiestier than that... what is this all about? Why do I feel like lately all I do is go with the flow. I mean don't get me wrong, I still have my own values and beliefs and I like them and I know why I have them ect, this isn't quite that deep, but still. It's deep. Do I put up with too much? Do I speak out about not enough? In my persuit to be a good person and chill out a little, have I become a doormat to be ignored and invisible and taken for granted? Does anyone value my presence for ME anymore? Did they ever?... or am I just sarah, the one that just sorta blends in, the one thats nice to pick on when she does bother to stand her ground, or even better, does something stupid and is amusing to make fun of. Everybody laugh it off, it's me. I'll never change, I'll always be fun to make fun of and I'll always brush it off and try to be liked, and try to be me. Dorky, Silly, Careless, me. It bounces off right? It's just a joke... we were just kidding. Whatever. I'm tired of that. I don't want to be the one that doesn't realize when she's not welcome. I don't wanna be left out, but I don't want to be included because someone feels obligated or sorry for me. I don't want to be the one people run to because that's what they are used to doing. I don't want to be the one someone is with because they always have been. I WANT TO BE APPRECIATED FOR ME!! I don't want to be critisized, I don't want to be invited because of who I hang around, or not invited because of who I hang around. I DON'T WANT TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD ANYMORE! Why don't people listen more and talk less?? All talking does is screw shit up. It's like no matter how hard I try, or don't try, no matter what, it's always wrong. With school, with friends with family, with everyone. There's like a wall that I continuously run into. It's like the song... Can't go OVER it, Can't go UNDER it, Can't go THROUGH it, but I can't even go AROUND it. I just keep running into it headlong. And the more I try, the more it hurts. I run harder, I hit harder, I jump higher, I fall harder, I dig deeper... nothing. It's NEVER good enough. I found myself evaluating my friends the other day. I feel like I finally sorta found some good ones in HS, after a childhood of being the nerd, and now they're all gone away, and the new ones I've made, I can't ever decide whether to call them friends or just people looking for the title of friends... so they can add me to their list of people to call for a party when they need lots of people to show up, or for a ride someplace or whatever. Some are because of stuff I'm involved in, some are because of people I know/am attatched to... either way, The word FRIEND just doesn't have the MEANING and DEPTH that it used to in too many cases. It's depressing really. And the worst part is, I don't understand really. The same people that preach about "if you have a problem say it to my face" are the SAME ones that won't bother to tell me why I'm openly not welcome at stuff, or not invited to things that in August I was one of the first to know about, or one of the principle planners...nor can they be bothered to ask where I stand on stuff... assume sure does make an ass out of u and me. I guess I figure by not openly blatantly stating whatever without being asked I'm being all politically correct and not starting stuff... and if I do decide to speak up, that's misinterpreted to. go figure. I can't win for losin. I usally consider this "picking my battles" but I dunno...What else is new, I act like this isn't something I deal with over and over again. But I just keep comin back for more. Thinking if I try again, maybe something will change this time. How can a person be so optimistic and so pessimistic at the same time? People don't like me bitching, people don't like it when I'm happy, don't like the way I dress, the way I talk, the way I handle myself, the way I handle MY business. I think most of all I'm just so tired. Tired of everything. I don't want something to be wrong with me. I want to enjoy my college years like everyone else seems to. I want to make long lasting friendships and find someone worth spending the rest of my life with. I want to graduate from college with a degree I'm proud of achieving with a GPA worth having. I want to have a job that I LOVE to go to, that I don't feel like I get up in the morning and HAVE to go to work. I want to have children that I can raise well and LOVE, and they can grow up in a loving environment. I want to be a role model to my peers, and my kids someday. Most of all I think I want to be RESPECTED for who I AM now and for the rest of my life... not for what I'm not, but could be. Yes it's great to believe in someone and help them better themselves, but lets not beat a dead horse. I will NEVER be cool. I've said it over and over again, the dork in a person is what makes them unique, fun, INTERESTING. WHY DO WE BEAT EACH OTHER FOR THAT?? Why does it even matter what other people think? Ha. Well I suppose that question doesn't make sense in light of this whole rant does it? I obviously care too much what people think, and yet I don't. Yes I do. I don't care what they think, as long as it's correct. What gets me is people's misconceptions, or really even worse, when they don't think at all. Following can be a really crappy thing to do. For cryin out loud do your own thing, make up your OWN mind what you think about someone or something, be it politics, religion, people whatever. And let them make up their OWN mind about who they wanna be and what they wanna believe. If you don't like who they are then fine. Don't expect them to change. And by all means DON'T pretend you do like who they are. But at least respect them for knowing who they are and what they believe, that's a feat that in this day and age practically nobody can do.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


obviously didn't last too long with the positive thing. Oh well. Tomorrow's a new day.

Monday, October 18, 2004


yay! passed round 2 of Nursing tests! :P

Sunday, October 17, 2004


Right. So I can already tell I'm probably not going to write in this near as often as I would like to, but anyways that's not the point. The point is I'm writing now and lots of stuff has happened this week so here goes....
So last weekend was the BUSY! had a band party that I wanted to go to, but ended up with my transy people and lots of HS friends who had come to visit. It was the Sig ( known as the Delta Sigs at UK) bid day party and lots of my best friends were going, so that's where we went and it was a BLAST!! I had sooooo forgotten how much I miss those boys, they are so much fun.
so then sunday, studyin, and to Keenland with Lance... yay I love watching the horses. I'm not so good at betting (apparently picking the pretty ones isn't necessarily the best method :P) but I love it anyways. Also found out that a guy from our class died in a motorcyle accident that morning. :( I wasn't that close to him, but we all knew a lot of the people that were, and he also left behind his twin and a son, so we knew this was gonna be BIG. A bunch of us got together and sent an afgan with the Footprints poem on it to Adam (his twin), but all Cynda and I could think through the whole thing was, wow. He's the first one of our classmates we've lost, and it coulda been anyone. It coulda been someone we were close too, and after spending so much time with so many classmates the night before.....just really odd, definately put a lot of stuff into a different perspective, or just into perspective in general.
so Tuesday was Katie McB's 21st! She's the first of my buddies my age to turn 21, and we had always talked about "when we turn 21..." so of course we had to go! Sooo Cynda and I worked our TAILS off all tuesday studyin so we could go, and it was great fun, another little reminder of how much I love/miss the people I hung out with for six years of my life and don't see nearly enough since college.
Wednesday... Patho/pharm test. boo. Someone couldn't take it wed so we didn't get to find out how we did right after (as we usually do..) so monday if I'm pissed, that's prolly why. :P
Thursday... Went to the Hospitality House for the service project. Have found my new mission in life when I find the time (after school when I can devote more time to one thing). 'nuff said.
Friday... Whoohoo! parade, midnight madness same o same o
Saturday... game... GEEZ IT'S COLD!!!! Of course our team still can't win a game... but TAU BETA SIGMA can win the WILDCAT CUP!!! Hell YEAH!!
We flipped out. We're on the feild, finished with our show, finished with the homecoming court, listening to them announce it, standing at attention and they say our name first. We all screemed and hopped up and down hugging... AC threw her hat in the air lol it was hysterical... when we got back in the stands we were doing TBS chants and screaming it was so great. Our name got announced infront of 70,000 people, some of which were the SC TBS chapter, and my roomie was there with some of my buddies :) yay! So yeah, that pretty much brings you up to date on what's going on with the exception of the lots deeper stuff that I really don't feel like getting into cuz I'm in a good mood right now :)
Gonna go watch Gladiator w/ my roomie!

Thursday, October 14, 2004


So. I just came from a sisterhood comittee meeting.. Whoohoo go TBS! AAANNYYYYWAYS.... Cynda and I have been trying our BEST to get our painting done today and yesterday so our apartment is a WRECK, but the walls look good :) I'm hoping I'll be able to go help out with our service project at 7, but we'll see. Also got another test monday, boo :( kinda worried, but I'll bitch about nursing classes another day ;). I just wanted to drop a line and ramble a bit, procrastinating being productive... imagine that. Oh, so I want to change the look of my blogger but my internet is being stupid and every other time I click on something it takes me to that darn page about not being able to find the server, or it just comes up REALLY slow, like reminicent of the hourglass/ 28.8 days. yuck, cable is too expensive around here for this crap. Right so anyways... life is pretty good for another day or so until I start freaking out again, but I have all weekend to attempt to not stress out and get lots done (right we'll see...)
luv ya! :* )

ps somebody comment or something and maybe we can get something interesting going :P ... cuz I'm boring.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Ari Dissapointment

I'm SOOOOOO CLOSE!!! But not close enough :(. TBS/KKY joint ritual was tonight and it was lovely. We had cake and TBS punch yum, as well as a lovely ritual, but I can't tell you about it it's a SECRET :P. Then I went down to the dame, hopin that two weeks shy of 21 wouldn't be noticed. Boo. The guy was a prick, didn't let me in and wasn't nice about it. :( ok well anyways. HAPPY NOTE! I am a happy person. I haven't let lots of people see that lately, so I'm going to work on that.... yay. ok. well I've got an early call time tomorrow soooo.... I'll catch ya laters.
mwaaaaa g'night


Hi! So this is my first post. I am getting ready to go to our TBS/KKY joint degree. Yay!! I just wanted to post and see how it works... maybe more later :)