Thursday, April 21, 2005

Yay for feeling human again!

Yay! so I woke up this morning, and I had slept well, and my cold is MUCH better :) I rather enjoy feeling human, and am definately up to doing stuff today... which works nicely since I have no clinical today and therefore nothing to do now that my 8:00 class is over. I've been home just over an hour and have already read my email, updated my webpage, read the news, and now writing in the blog. not sure what's next, but it's a lovely day (so far... but I think it's supposed to rain later) and one of those "I feel like I want to be productive today" type days. soooo this could get interesting... maybe some spring cleaning?? (after Cynda gets up...) I suppose we'll see.... I think we might go to a concert at Memorial Hall tonight... some guy Cynda saw a poster for, but he sounds really cool... sorry, can't remember his name at the moment :P but it's at 7:00ish :) ok... on to something else maybe halfway productive... breakfast?


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