Monday, January 24, 2005

A New Semester...

Soooo, school's started. yay. I am jumping for joy. ok... obviously not really... but I am relatively excited about this semester. All of my classes start after 11:00 (except thursday... First Aid 8-11.. that looks to be terribly hard.. NOT, but I get my CPR certification renewed yay!) Anyways... only carryin 12 hours soooo hopefully I can keep my sanity for most of the semester, always a plus. I mean don't get my wrong, even though I've been staying up too late, sleeping in too late, playing too many computer games and watching a lot of tv, I'm thinkin it won't be too long before I find plenty to occupy my time as usual. My first NursingResearch Methods class is tomorrow (it's a Monday only class so we haven't had it yet, and I'm betting all the writing I'll be doing will fill and nice space of time) Clinicals are starting up, so there's prep for that ( OMG I GOT TO SEE A BABY BEING BORN during clinical orientation thursday!!!! That's an experience, wow. ) I'm thinking about maybe doing yoga at the Newman center, and also helping them make afghans to donate to the needy. TBS starts back up tomorrow night, so that should be fun, and will definately fill another little/big timeslot. However in the mean time, I still enjoyed my break and the first coupla weeks of school. Especially Katie's visit :) Will definately miss her while she's in London... Good times.
Happy birthday to all you January babies... there's been lots in the last week... :)


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