Friday, December 24, 2004


So it started snowing Tuesday night and pretty much didn't stop until the early weeeee hours of Thursday morning.. and I don't mean flurries, I mean snowwing like gangbusters accumulating like crazy snowing. We have anywhere from 14-18inches depending on who you ask (I haven't heard the official count) because it's so drifty here. It's insane! My dad has this baby bobcat that he was shoveling snow with all day yesterday. He and my sister and brother went to the drugstore night before last to shovel snow and try to keep up with it so that it wouldn't be so bad yesterday morning. They ended up staying the night in the store because my dad was afraid he wouldn't be able to get back down there in the morning. Billy and Jenny slept in a lift chair and a electric scooter chair both in the front window and my dad on the floor. I hadn't gone to help shovel because they weren't gonna have enough shovels for me to be any help... they offered to come get me when they decided to stay but I declined figuring I'd be much happier here in front of a fire and in a bed :P. The snow is about up to my knees in the shallowest places in my dad's yard. yikes. haven't seen my mom's house yet but I bet Ginger (our dog) is having a hayday! So yeah... our prediction for a white Christmas according to the weather channel yesterday? 75-100%... given that it's not supposed to get about about 20degrees for the next several days... I'm betting 99.99999% is a pretty safe bet. lol. Only crappy thing is that it's so cold the snow is that really light fluffy stuff that looks pretty and sparkly but is no good to play in b/c it doesn't pack well AT ALL. soooo no snowmans or snowball fights for me. :(
hehe... looking back over my email I realized it's really kinda long... lol... sorry guys! I'm up and my siblings are still sleeping so I have nothing to do and am just killing time... I'm thinkin it's 11:00... time to wake their sorry butts up...
Happy Christmas Eve!! :)


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