Spring Fever.. errr cold
Soooo as spring fever sets in... so does a NASTY cold that's been going around. GROSS.. You wouldn't be able to tell it was spring lookin at me and half of everyone I know. Personally I have aquired a RIPROARING cold... like stuffy nose, fun colors of snot, SOOOOORRREEEE throat, and above all PINKEYE! I HAVE NEVER HAD PINK EYE. Who gets conjunctivitis for the first time in college??? apparently me. boo. really though, it hasn't been so bad, my eye was all pink and pussy and gross Sunday, and then odlly cleared up pretty nicely (meaning I look pretty normal at least) monday. Went to the clinic and the Nurse Practitioner gave me some ABX eye drops, and a rx for a z-pack in case my cold develops into a sinus infx. yuck. the good news? No strep throat (As of yesterday) and no sinus infection yet either... which is exciting cuz I thought sure I had one... I mean I had the green snot and everything. Anyways... the mornings are the worst right? Like I slept HORRIBLE last night cuz my throat was excrutiating... I practically drank my bottle of Chloreseptic, and finally got up at like 0800 (which I never do this semester) because I couldn't take it anymore. I took 2 Advil liquigels, a sudafed, an eye drop, downed some chloreseptic, gargled some salt water and and have since had 3 mugs of hot tea w/honey and gone through what seems like an entire box of kleenex. The good news today? I can swallow now with relatively little pain, and am feeling more human as the morning wears on. We are not doing patient care today in clinical (it's our last one so we are doing review stuff for the final :) ) soooo at least I picked a good clinical to be sick for cuz I can go to this one sorta sick and not worry about getting all kinds of immunocompromised kiddos sick.
In other news... Formal was a blast! Lance came up early (late thurs night instead of late fri evening) and surprised me, so we got to hang out all friday and we both had a really good time at the dance, and it seemed like everyone did :) I went to Keenland (CROWDED!!) and then Louisville Sat, and ended up staying the night. Sunday was my grandpa's birthday... so we all ate dinner at Kingfish on the river sat night, and then went back on the farm and he showed us all kinds of fun stuff like where the old mill and the Rock springs hotel was before they burned, and lots of fun sink holes and airshafts for the rock mines back there. It was a good time and a beautiful day for it. I was a sight to see too... in one of billy's t-shirts, and a pair of his socks that were 3sizes too big, and a pair of grandma's boots, 1 size too big :P since I hadn't packed/planned to stay the night when I rushed out the door last minute to get to dinner saturday night (at 5 I was told they were eating in LOUISVILLE (I was still in Lexington) at 6 or 6:30.. eep!) all I had was the pair of white flip-flops (not so good for hiking) jeans (yay one thing I could wear of my own) and a tank top and the pink cashmere sweater lance's mom got me for christmas (also not so good to romp around in the woods in) Sooo I had a really good time... aside from the cold continuing to get worse as the evening went on... but mommy got me some drugs to tide me to yesterday when I could get to the clinic. so now I'm just chuggin along... :P trying to figure out when can work in the next week and whether I can go polar bear skiing this weekend :) yay jetskis if I can't get in the water :D.
anyways.... I should prolly go be productive... being up at 8 does you no good if you do NOTHING until 11 anyways....:P
later gators.
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