Monday, August 15, 2005

Early Week!

Hi. So it's officially begun... Early week, and for the moment band is my LIFE :) (not that it isn't most of the time anyways but especially this week) buuuuutttt so far so good... am remaining cheerful, and am SUPER excited about our new freshmen ('specially my lil' bro!) I'm a squad leader this year (that means I get to help teach some of the marching stuff) so that's great fun, a slightly different role from previous years. I still miss a lot of the people that didn't come back this year... but I guess it's part of growing up right? I mean I'll move on next year and maybe be one of those people too so I guess I can't hold it against them right? ;) anyways... need to get to bed, gots to be bright eyed and bushy-taled and at Blazer for breakfast at 0800... just thought I post a so far so good yay new freshman and old buddies and good times at my last early week note :)


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