Sunday, May 01, 2005

Clarify/ Final Exams

Ok, so I'm continuing to procrastinate on the studying, so while I'm at it, I want to clarify something since apparently there are some people who read this that I wasn't aware of. I honestly thought there were like 3 people who bother to mess with it, and its the people that I'm pretty close to, so they hear all this stuff from me first (usually) or can ask about it later, but ultimately, don't care what I write anyways. I've since learned that there are a few other readers (which I don't mind) but I would like to make a disclaimer to EVERYONE who reads this just to cover my bases.... (I PROMISE this is not pointed at ANYONE, it's just a recent discovery and I feel I should clarify myself to my readers- haha like I write a book or something ;) ) This is where I rant.... it may be good, it may be bad, but I tend to blow of steam and type and feel much better, whether it's because I'm bouncing of the walls or frustrated or whatever. If you think I'm talking about you in my writing, I may be, but I will not name names, and I will come to you if I really have a problem with something, otherwise, it's just me, typing, and feeling much better. Either way, if you are reading my blog, you are in my territory, so, READER BEWARE :) because I will probably continue to feel free to bore you with the horrid details of nursing school and the grades that frustrate me to no end, whatever random thing I've done with the roomie, Band, TBS, or Lance lately, and how much I love my family and friends (most of the time ;) ) Basically, you're gonna know what I've been up to randomly but DON'T TAKE IT TOO SERIOUSLY (for Example... Cynda is engaged, acc to her blog, but that's definately not the truth at the moment lol) ... because you know how it goes, you always hear more about the bad, and less about the good...
Sooo on that note. I was playing with grades, and I can't get an A in my Peds/Ob course, but that's ok I suppose, because I only have to have a 68% on the final to get a B :P yay! Since it's a 100 que test, that means I can MISS 32 questions...haha that's like 1/3 of the test... surely I can pull that off :) I think I have to like a 78% on my first aid final to get my A, but really I need an 80% because that's what's required to get your First Aid Certification, and I would obviously like to have that. Really not sure what I need to get in research, but I did well on the midterm, so I'm thinkin the final shouldn't be that bad either.
So lets take a look at my schedule for this week then...
Today: STUDYING (cuz I'd rather NOT get the 68%, that's just embarrasing for me) and prolly going to mass tonight (holler if you wanna join!)
Monday: Studyin some more, gotta look at some first aid stuff too, maybe cleanin the apt some in between, and packin a lil if I'm really that bored, but I doubt it...
Tuesday: 0800 - First Aid Exam
0330 - NUR 873 (peds/ob) exam
Then studyin for NUR 872 (the research class) with Leann for a bit
Wednesday: 1030 - NUR 872 exam
Thursday: more packing and cleaning and chilling out, work 3-11
Friday: Movin on out...loading up and heading to Nashvegas to visit my baby :)
Saturday: Lance's Company Picnic (He's now working for Dave Ramsey as Live Events Coordinator) yay meet all his colleagues, hang out, return to the 'Boro
Sunday: Mother's day :)
Monday: My mom's Birthday and anniversary, Go to O'boro Pediatrics and work out job situation :), Cynda Leaves for Germany :'(

AND intermittenly from today on PRETTY WEATHER!!!!! and seeing the owensboro crew... ie Katie will be back from London ect :D :D :D :D :D :D... am Very excited about this too :)

Also can't wait to go see Lance... I mean it's one thing when you are in the same town and don't see each other much, or even on vacation, because you know things will return to normal when you get back, but it's another when the other has actually moved away. Because now this is normal... or will be. It's crazy knowing he's down there with all this exciting stuff going on and all these new people and I can't hardly imagine what it's like.... and I'm still here, nuthin's changed. I still go to class, and work and SAB and TBS stuff. I still love my roomie and enjoy my activities and love nursing, but hate nursing classes...The important things that I get exctied about are still school, TBS, and Concert Committee, and visiting family. The difference is, I can't go over to his place for dinner, or he's not here on a random week night watching Law and Order cuz he didn't have cable. Yeah a phone call away, and we definately talk all the time... I honestly continue to feel closer to him, but yeah, and definatley excited to get to go visit in person :) .

Had our First officers meeting for TBS the other day, and ya know what? We got a lot done :) I'm really excited about everything we're plannin this year, and our executive board in general. We have lots of experience, and lots of fresh ideas from new people too, by the time you combine both officers and committee heads. And that's something thats good to have each year. Each year our officers work hard lead our sorority where we wanna go, but I am so excited that there's still lots of places TO go, since since I've been in it we've all worked really hard to improve, and gotten so much done... it almost seems like you would eventually hit a wall, but nope :) we're still truckin, and learnin every minute. And while we're on the subject, I would like expand on how much I love my sorority. Because I'm not sure that gets out there enough after early week as much as it should. Honestly, if it weren't for TBS, I would have probably dropped band a long time ago, but I have so much fun with my sisters and I love being involved with something outside of nursing, and sortof outside of the band... or maybe inside of it if you wanna look at it that way, either way, something more than just marching. We do have a good group of girls and boys, and while it's not perfect, I love that. We have lots of goals to accomplish and ways to improve and things to do be better which makes it interesting. I am very excited to be an officer again and play a different role, and use my talents to help keep us rolling :) Yay teamwork.

Home. Oh I really can't wait to be home... and play in the river, and with my PUPPY :D. Like everything reminds me of going home right now, it's really sad. I fix my hair and I think, when I get home I'm gonna go get it cut, I look at my nails... I want to go get a manicure/pedicure when I get home. My dirty clothes basket... I should probably take that on down to the car, because it's gonna be part of the stuff packed up to go home (yay Laundry!) , hmm, no food in the apt... we are trying to use up what we have before we leave, dirty sink/apt in general - we will clean before we go HOME. sigh. Pretty day - wanna go waterskiing, take the dog for a walk, read a book on the patio. Geez. Somebody get me out of Lexington. I mean I love it here, but at the moment, I associate it with school and stress, and I want to go back to my comfort zone - home. It'll be my last reall summer before I have a job, no career, and I think it's gonna be nice to just be at home with my little brother and go fly kites, and take the dog for a ride, and watch my grandma/grandpa's, and my dad's houses start to go up ect. ect. and not be living here, alone, working my tail end of and being bored and lonely cuz those of us in lextown can't ever get our schedules to line up enough to really hang out any.

ok. so I'm really gonna go do some studying now :/... but maybe I'll scrounge up some food first...


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